Charlotte Azurdia
Yoga Teacher
Charlotte’s yoga classes are creative yet alignment-based focusing on a journey of self-enquiry to achieve a balance between flexibility and strength, not only on a physical but also on a mental level. She is a life-time learner and having qualified as a yoga teacher in 2017 she has continued to study and be inspired by a whole range of teachers and yoga styles including yin yoga to balance the yang and yoga nidra practices to soothe and calm.
She received in 2023 her RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance following her completion of an additional 300h training with the Shala in London where she delved deeper into yoga philosophy, pranayama, theming, meditation and mindfulness. The flame for ongoing learning was sparked by Jason Crandell when she enrolled on his sequencing training in the US in 2019.
Furthermore, she discovered yin and yoga nidra in 2020 and was immediately hooked as she found these practices allowed her to balance her “yang” and delve deeper inward to find stillness and calm. Having trained with Norman Blair, she loves to sprinkle the soothing and relaxing magic of yin and nidra into her students’ lives. Charlotte also successfully completed the 70-hour advanced applied anatomy course run by Ben Parker at Flow.
Her classes are rewarding as she takes her students on an explorative journey allowing them to delve deeper into their practice whilst interweaving sprinkles of slower and more soothing yin style poses and breathwork into her students’ lives to allow them find greater stillness and calm in the mind both on and off the mat.