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The Space Between

  • Flow Tunbridge Wells 29 Woodbury Park Road Tunbridge Wells, England, TN4 9NG United Kingdom (map)

Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom…Victor Frankl

Greta invites you to join her on this mini-retreat to explore and uncover what it is to experience “the space between”.   Through postural practice, pranayama + meditation, she will inspire you to uncover a new perspective, one not dictated by a “result” or “peak pose” but by the experience of an oasis of opportunity between. 

Life can feel like a bullet train, less about the journey of experience and more about reaching somewhere at high speed.   The pressure to respond and navigate without pause means that we often unconsciously surrender our agency.  We relinquish our power to external forces and suffer the consequences therein: emotional overwhelm, stress, and lack of purpose.     In this shared window of time, in the sanctuary of the Flow studio,  you will cultivate heightened powers of attention to recover your power to discern. 

By acknowledging the stillness between breaths, thoughts and movement, the potential for treasure will be revealed: resilience, problem-solving, opportunity and creativity.   Through a heightened sense of awareness, transitions will reign, and the joy of the journey will be the blissful reward.      

This mini-retreat with Greta costs £40 and is limited to just ten students. 

When: 25th January 1.30 - 4.30 pm

Cost: £40

Greta Sani

Greta has been practising yoga since 2005 and continues to develop her practice with verve. Yoga has guided her through sometimes choppy waters, including major surgery, but ultimately, it makes her feel strong, flexible and centred in mind/body; this she passionately transmits in her teaching. Greta’s classes authentically weave the ancient yogic tradition into a relevant modern practice re-connecting innate body/breath wisdom. 

She has become a much-loved and respected teacher locally at Flow and accross London since she qualified from Triyoga (390hrs) in 2017.

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